Whats my plan?

Any funds raised by the inital sale and any future sale of the NFT(s) will result in a percentage being donated to one or more local or national nonprofit conversation group located within the state of Idaho. This donation will take place twice a year on June 30th and December 31st. These groups could a chapter of Delta Waterfowl, Rocky Mountaion Elk Foundation, Waterfowlers of Idaho, Mule Deer Foundation, IDFG and so much more. The reason for this donation is every year these orgnanzations encourage the young and old to get outdoors for a wide range of activies from hunting, fishing, survial skills and more. I want to encourage others to get outdoors and hopefully grow the same passion I have.

Breif About Me

I have always had a love of the outdoors. As an avid outdoorsman I have spent countless days fishing, hunting, hiking and so much more. I have learned so many great things and strive to teach my family everything I know. I enjoy taking photos anything within the outdoors and want to share this with the world in my own way.